In Hyderabad, just before Rahul Gandhi and Priyanka Gandhi’s visit to Telangana for a bus yatra, BRS MLA Boath Rathod Bapurao met PCC chief A Revanth Reddy. Bapurao, who will be joining the Congress party, has been upset since Anil Jadhav was declared as the pink party candidate from Boath constituency.
Later in the day, GHMC floor leader and Madhapur Corporator V Jagadeeshwar Goud also joined the Congress party at an event held at his residence. During the event, several BRS and BJP party leaders from Shadnagar, Kodangal, and Kalvakurthy constituencies also joined the party in the presence of Revanth Reddy.
Those who joined the Congress party include former MPPs Ram Reddy, Sambayya Goud, Sarpanch Laxman Naik, former MPTCs, former Sarpanches, ward members, and cadre from Kalwakurthy constituency. Additionally, several leaders from Dudyal mandal of Kodangal constituency also joined the Congress party.