The BRS party filed a complaint against BJP leader Dr. Tamilisai Soundararajan for breaking the Model Code of Conduct. They accused her of giving out replicas of the Ram Mandir Temple in the MLA colony and asking for votes for the BJP candidate. The BRS leaders stated that using religious symbols like this for political purposes goes against the MCC, which prohibits using religion to gain votes. This not only goes against fair elections but also tries to use religious beliefs to sway voters.
The party’s general secretary, M Sreenivas Reddy, called on the Election Commission to take strict action against Tamilisai Soundararajan for her violation of the MCC. They want the Commission to follow the rules outlined in the MCC.
The BRS party also demanded that Tamilisai Soundararajan be banned from future election campaigns and that BJP’s G Kishan Reddy be disqualified from the Secunderabad Lok Sabha constituency race for benefiting from Soundararajan’s illegal actions.
The BRS leader emphasized the importance of the Election Commission maintaining the integrity of the voting process and ensuring that everyone follows the rules laid out in the MCC.