The differences between BRS leaders in Hyderabad came to light on Friday during a meeting at Telangana Bhavan. The followers of party leaders Rohit Reddy and Mahender Reddy got into a physical altercation in front of senior leaders, including T Harish Rao.
The issue started when former minister Mahender Reddy was speaking and the followers of Rohit Reddy objected and tried to stop him. They blamed Mahender Reddy for the party’s defeat in Tandur. Mahender Reddy responded by saying he could also create disturbance with his own followers. This angered one of Rohit Reddy’s followers who rushed towards the stage and verbally abused Mahender Reddy. They also attempted to attack Mahender Reddy’s nephew, P Avinash Reddy.
To prevent further violence, senior leader Harish Rao called for a lunch break and tried to calm the leaders down. The meeting ended abruptly, and Harish Rao held discussions with both groups in another room. He emphasized the importance of unity, especially with the upcoming Lok Sabha elections.
The feud between Mahender Reddy and Rohit Reddy has been ongoing in the Tandur constituency since Rohit Reddy joined the party. Despite being given the Tandur ticket and Mahender Reddy being made a minister, Rohit Reddy lost the elections and blames Mahender Reddy for his defeat.
Afterwards, party leaders announced that incumbent MP G Ranjith Reddy will be fielded again in the Chevella Lok Sabha constituency. Niranjan Reddy stated that most party leaders supported this decision and mentioned that the party had a lead of over one lakh votes in the seven Assembly segments under Chevella Lok Sabha constituency.