B Vinod Kumar, a senior leader of BRS, criticized the BJP for making promises during elections that they often forget afterwards. He pointed out that in 2014, the BJP promised to bring black money back to India and deposit Rs 15 lakh in everyone’s bank account. In the 2019 elections, they said they would provide interest-free loans of Rs 1 lakh to farmers, but Vinod questioned how many farmers in Telangana actually received these loans.
Furthermore, Vinod mentioned that the BJP always talks about turning India into a food processing hub during elections, but he demanded to see evidence of their actions in this regard. He also highlighted the BJP’s promise in 2019 to allocate Rs 25 lakh crore specifically for farmers in the Budget, questioning how much of this amount has actually been allocated in the past five years.
Vinod also criticized the significant increase in petrol and diesel prices compared to 2014, and he challenged the BJP candidate from Karimnagar, Bandi Sanjay Kumar, to reveal how much funding he has brought from the Centre for temple development in Telangana. Lastly, he questioned the BJP’s promise of providing 10 crore jobs for youth, asking how many jobs have actually been created in the last five years.