BRS leader B Suman accused the Congress of fielding fake candidates against the BJP in the upcoming Lok Sabha elections. He claimed that this was done to help the saffron party. Suman made these statements during a press conference at the Telangana Bhavan party office.
According to Suman, CM A Revanth Reddy is trying to please PM Narendra Modi. He mentioned that Reddy is following Modi’s lead. Suman also alleged that the BJP government had supported Revanth Reddy in previous elections, and now Reddy is repaying the favor by nominating fake candidates.
Suman pointed out specific instances where he believes dummy candidates were chosen to benefit certain individuals. He demanded an extension for the TET examination application deadline and criticized the Congress government for taking credit for initiatives started by the BRS. Suman also accused the CM of being influenced by election strategist Sunil Konugulu in running the state.