50 BJP local leaders from BC Colony of Laxminayak Tanda of Yenugonda village joined the BRS party in Mahbubanagar district. Excise and Prohibiton Minister Dr V Srinivas Goud was present at the event. He talked about how the BRS party has improved the lives of people in the district. Earlier, people used to get drinking water once in 14 days, but now they get safe filtered water through taps every day. The BRS government also increased the pension for old age people from Rs. 200 to Rs. 2000 per month. The Minister asked people to compare the past rule of the BJP and Congress with that of the 9 years of BRS rule and take a decision.
The Minister also inaugurated a CC road constructed with Rs 6 lakh near the New Railway gate and a Women’s community Hall in BC colony in Yenugonda. Later he participated in the land breaking ceremony of Anjeneya Swamy Temple Mandapam being taken up with a cost of Rs 5 lakh in the BC Colony.
The Minister said that the State government is giving top priority for the welfare and safety of women folks. She teams have been formed to protect women and are constantly standing by their side. The Srinidhi scheme also extended Rs 1.20 crore additional loan support to women.