BRS leader Koppula Eshwar accused Chief Minister A Revanth Reddy of neglecting important issues for the people and focusing on removing schemes introduced by KCR. Eshwar made these statements during a press conference at Telangana Bhavan, calling the government’s policies under Revanth Reddy strange.
According to Eshwar, Revanth Reddy’s main goal seems to be dismantling programs implemented by previous CM K Chandrashekar Rao, rather than addressing the pressing needs of the public. Eshwar criticized Revanth Reddy for attempting to change the state symbol and for not being involved in the Telangana movement, claiming that he lacks an understanding of the region’s history.
Eshwar highlighted the positive impact of KCR’s initiatives, such as establishing Gurukulas to enhance education in the state. He mentioned that KCR invested over Rs 20 lakh per student in Gurukul schools and filled teaching positions in residential schools. Eshwar also noted a significant increase in junior and degree residential colleges since KCR took office as CM.