Naveen Kumar Reddy, the BRS candidate, won the by-election for the Mahabubnagar Local Bodies Constituency, defeating Congress candidate Manne Jeevan Reddy by 111 votes. This victory allowed Naveen Kumar Reddy to maintain BRS’s current position.
The election results were based on first preference votes, with BRS receiving 763 votes, Congress receiving 652 votes, and one vote going to an independent candidate. Out of 1,437 total votes cast, 21 were declared invalid. The vote counting took place two months after the polling on March 28.
The election had a high voter turnout of 99.86 percent among local body voters. Originally planned for April 2, the announcement of the results was delayed until June 2 by the Central Election Commission to ensure that the results would not be impacted by the Parliament Election Code.
Naveen Kumar Reddy’s win in the MLC by-election has strengthened BRS’s position in the Mahabubnagar Local Bodies Constituency, making it a significant development in the local political scene.