MLC Tata Madhusudhan criticized former MP Ponguleti Srinivas Reddy for his recent comments against the BRS government and Chief Minister K Chandrashekar Rao. Madhusudhan held a press conference at the district BRS office in Khammam and asked the Chief Minister to conduct a CBCID enquiry into Reddy’s alleged offences and encroachment of government lands. He accused Reddy of making baseless allegations against the BRS party and CM KCR only for his own benefit. Madhusudhan also claimed that Reddy tried to defeat BRS leaders in the last general elections and that he failed to make a mark in the party despite being given good importance. The press conference was attended by several other leaders including Mayor P Neeraja, SUDA Chairman Bachu Vijay Kumar, and Nalamala Venkateswra Rao.