The CLP leader, Bhatti Vikramarka, spoke during the 76th day of his padayatra corner meeting in Dedinenipally village in Nagarkurnool district on Wednesday. He criticized the BJP party at the centre and BRS in the state for having a secret pact with each other. He claimed that they were two sides of the same coin and only criticized each other to fool people.
Bhatti accused PM Modi and Home Minister Amit Shah of not taking action against the BRS government despite leveling corruption charges because of their secret understanding with the party. He alleged that BJP and BRS had a clandestine understanding and were on the same plank.
He also claimed that people in hundreds of villages were angry with the BRS government, and they wanted to put an end to KCR’s rule smacking of feudalism. Bhatti said that Congress Party would take inspiration from former Prime Minister Pandit Nehru, and they would achieve goals of Telangana State building social Telangana with progressive thoughts.
Bhatti predicted that the Congress Party would win over 100 seats in Telangana in the next election. He emphasized on the promises of Congress Party, saying that all projects on Krishna and Godavari taken up during the tenure of previous Congress government would be completed once the party comes to power. He also promised to complete the irrigation channels within one year of coming to power.
The Congress government would complete Palamur-Ranga Reddy lift irrigation project and LakshmideviPalli Reservoir to bring Krishna waters to agricultural lands, Bhatti asserted. At Tummidi Hatti on Godavari, PranahitaChevella project would be completed without delay. Water would be given to Devadula fully by completing Indira and Rajiv Sagar.