BRS working president and Industries Minister KT Rama Rao and Health Minister T Harish Rao are trying to maintain control over their respective districts in the upcoming Assembly elections. They are planning to attract important local leaders from the Congress and BJP parties in order to secure all seats in the old Karimangar and Medak districts. KTR is focusing on winning all 12 Assembly seats in the old Karimangar district, while Harish Rao is targeting the old Medak district. BRS lost the Huzurabad seat in a by-election when former MLA E Rajendar won. KTR has been holding discussions with BRS MLAs and local leadership to address challenges faced by the party. The BRS is specifically targeting seven Assembly segments under the Karimnagar Lok Sabha constituency represented by BJP MP Bandi Sanjay Kumar. They plan to poach BJP leaders to weaken the party. Harish Rao is also trying to strengthen the BRS in old Medak by attracting Congress leaders. BRS has won nine out of ten seats in the district, with T Jagga Reddy of Congress winning Sanga Reddy.