A boy named Mobine, who is 15 years old and from Mahabubnagar, was in a bad accident on February 4th. His family thought he had died and left him at the Government General Hospital in Mahabubnagar. However, doctors found that he was alive but slipped into a coma and needed advanced treatment only available in Hyderabad. Local councillor Kishore immediately took him to Hyderabad and informed Minister Dr V Srinivas Goud. The Minister visited Mobine at NIMS and directed the hospital to provide all necessary treatment. He also assured a letter of consent of Rs 2.5 lakh under the Chief Minister’s Relief Fund. After 20 days of treatment, Mobine woke up from his coma and was discharged from the hospital.
On Friday, the Minister visited Mahbubnagar General Hospital for laying a foundation stone for Road Over Bridge in front of the hospital. Mobine went to see the Minister and thanked him for saving his life. The Minister congratulated him and encouraged the public to seek his help if they need any healthcare assistance. District Collector G Ravi Nayak and others were present at the event.