Andhra Pradesh Education Minister Botcha Satyanarayana criticized the increased security for TDP leader Nara Lokesh, saying it was a result of an alliance between TDP president Chandrababu Naidu and the BJP. He questioned the need for such high security for Lokesh, suggesting it was due to his inability to control his words and public backlash.
Botcha also commented on the Election Commission of India’s directive to the YSRCP Government to stop using volunteers for distributing cash benefits like social security pensions during the Model Code of Conduct. He accused Chandrababu Naidu of plotting to deprive the poor of these benefits and spreading negative propaganda against the YSRCP.
The Minister expressed disappointment over the postponement of the AP Teacher Eligibility Test (AP TET) 2024 result due to the Model Code of Conduct, promising that the Department of School Education would address it once the YSRCP was back in power.
Regarding the controversy surrounding the privatization of the Visakhapatnam steel plant, Botcha clarified that the decision was not in the hands of the Andhra Pradesh Government. He challenged the TDP, JSP, and BJP to clarify their stance on the issue and announce their plans during their campaign.
Botcha highlighted the industrial development in Uttarandhra under the YSRCP Government’s tenure, mentioning the establishment of SEZs, Pharma, and IT Hubs. He criticized Chandrababu Naidu for his lack of achievements during his 14-year tenure as Chief Minister.