Hyderabad: Famous Bollywood producer Boney Kapoor has spoken out in support of actor Allu Arjun in the ongoing controversy related to the Sandhya Theatre incident. In a recent interview, Kapoor stated that blaming the actor for what happened is unfair.
He explained that big stars like Chiranjeevi, Rajinikanth, and Allu Arjun often attract massive crowds on the first day of their movie releases. Kapoor pointed out that on the day of the incident, thousands of fans had gathered at the theater, with many experiencing such a large crowd for the first time. “There is no need to hold Allu Arjun solely responsible for what happened. Holding him accountable for an unpredictable incident is unjust,” Kapoor said.
The Sandhya Theatre incident occurred when an overwhelming number of fans turned up during a film release, leading to chaos and raising concerns about safety. Kapoor’s comments bring attention to the challenges faced by theaters and the importance of better crowd management during major screenings.
Fans of Allu Arjun have welcomed Boney Kapoor’s words, as they offer a more balanced view of the situation. Meanwhile, authorities are expected to analyze the incident and take steps to ensure safer and smoother experiences for moviegoers in the future.