Telangana BJP leader Komatireddy Rajgopal Reddy has been sidelined by the party. He had requested a ticket for the Munugode Assembly, but it was rejected in the first list announced on Sunday. The party wants him to run from LB Nagar, but he is not keen on it.
There are rumors that Reddy is considering going back to the Congress party. It is said that he may officially rejoin the Congress in Delhi, with Rahul Gandhi present. If this happens, Rajagopal Reddy may be given the opportunity to run from Munugode, as the Congress has not yet announced their candidate for that constituency.
Reddy hinted at his possible return to Congress by saying that his decision will depend on what his followers want him to do. In the upcoming Telangana Assembly Elections, he may contest as a Congress candidate from Munugode. It is worth noting that Reddy had previously left the Congress to join the BJP. He resigned from his MLA position and ran as a BJP candidate in the Munugode by-elections, but was defeated by Kusukuntla Prabhakar Reddy of BRS.