The BJP is launching its campaign in Bhadrachalam ahead of the upcoming parliamentary elections. The party aims to secure 17 seats in the state and support the Prime Minister for a third term. The campaign, called ‘Vijaya Sankalp Yatra,’ was initiated by state BJP president G Kishan Reddy and will be led by Chhattisgarh Chief Minister Vishnudev Sai on February 25.
The BJP’s focus on Bhadrachalam, known as the Ayodhya of the south, is strategic due to its significance as a holy place of Lord Rama. The party aims to tap into Hindu sentiments and historical ties to bolster their position in Telangana, especially in the ST Constituency of Mahabubabad Parliament.
The proximity of Bhadrachalam to neighboring states like Andhra Pradesh, Odisha, and Chhattisgarh has prompted the invitation of Chhattisgarh Chief Minister to join the campaign. The NDA government has allocated funds for the development of the Lord Rama temple in Bhadrachalam under the PRASAD scheme, marking a significant step towards securing voter support.
The BJP’s strategy includes garnering support from Tribal communities, particularly in Chhattisgarh, to sway ST votes in the Mahabubabad Constituency. The party aims to capitalize on the sentiments associated with Bhadrachalam, where a significant number of Tribal (ST) and Banjara people reside.
District BJP president KV Ranga Kiran expressed confidence in the party’s strength in the district and anticipated a boost from the ‘Vijaya Sankalpa Yatra.’ The focus is on winning the Mahabubabad and Khammam seats, with thorough arrangements in place for the campaign event on the 25th in Bhadrachalam. A preparatory meeting was held in the temple town with leaders from the erstwhile Khammam district in attendance.