Warangal Urban Cooperative Bank chairman and senior BJP leader Errabelli Pradeep Rao spoke at a party event, saying that true leaders accept both wins and losses gracefully. Even though the BJP faced setbacks in recent elections, they will continue to work hard. Despite his own defeat in the Assembly elections, Pradeep Rao praised the dedication of BJP workers who fought valiantly, garnering 52,000 votes.
Pradeep Rao highlighted the country’s improving economy and growing global presence as a positive sign for both India and the BJP. As the Lok Sabha elections approach, he urged party members to put in effort to secure victory. He reassured them that the party leadership will support them and emphasized that the BJP upholds ethics and avoids corrupt practices like land grabbing.
The event was attended by various BJP leaders including former Warangal mayor T Rajeshwar Rao, BJP Warangal Lok Sabha prabhari Muralidhar Goud, and Warangal district president Ganta Ravi Kumar. Pradeep Rao commended the presence of other senior leaders and party members at the event, stressing the importance of unity and hard work for future success.