The BJP held a press conference in Mahbubnagar on Tuesday. They talked about how the TSPSC Board and the BRS government have ruined the hopes of over 30 lakh unemployed youths in the state. The BJP is upset with the government’s insensitive and careless attitude towards unemployed youths. So, they have decided to launch a ‘Million March’ program from Mahbubnagar district on April 25. The program was supposed to be on April 21 but was postponed to April 25 because of Union Home Minister Amit Shah’s visit to Telangana state on April 23.
During the press conference, the BJP State vice president G Manohar Reddy and State treasurer Bhandari Shanti Kumar demanded the resignation of State IT and Industries Minister KTR for TSPSC paper leak. They also demanded that all the candidates who had to rewrite TSPSC competitive exams be compensated with Rs. 1 lakh each by the government.