On Sunday, AAP MP Sanjay Singh was detained by police during a protest against the questioning of Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal by the CBI near their headquarters in New Delhi. The CBI had summoned Kejriwal to answer questions regarding the excise policy scam case, in which his former deputy Manish Sisodia was arrested on February 26. Sisodia is currently in judicial custody after his bail plea was rejected on March 31.
During a press conference, BJP national spokesperson Sambit Patra stated that investigation agencies such as the CBI and ED work on facts, not emotions. Patra also posed questions to Kejriwal regarding the Delhi liquor scam, asking if someone else was involved in the scandal and if the excise policy was solely made by Sisodia. Patra emphasized that in India’s democracy, no one is above the law and everyone must comply with it.
The CBI wants to find out who is the kingpin of the Delhi liquor scam and why the excise policy caused a loss of Rs 3,000 crore, despite Kejriwal’s claims that it would benefit the state’s treasury. The agency had summoned Kejriwal on Friday last week to answer their queries as a witness.