The Telangana BJP chief and Union Minister G Kishan Reddy presided over a workshop for BJP MLAs in Hyderabad. The workshop was attended by 119 MLAs from different states including Karnataka, Maharashtra, Uttar Pradesh, Assam, Odisha, Tamil Nadu, and Puducherry. Aprajitha Sarangi, MP Bhubaneshwar, BJP national spokesperson Prakash Javdekar, BJP Telangana election in-charge Vivek VenkatSwamy, and senior leader Nallu Indrasena Reddy also attended the workshop.
During the workshop, BJP national vice-president DK Aruna stated that the party is preparing for the upcoming Assembly elections. They plan to inform people about how the ruling party is looting the state. The MLAs will spend about a week with the people and prepare a report on their expectations and aspirations.
Aruna alleged that the Chief Minister K Chandrashekar Rao’s government is planning to sell government lands before the elections. However, she claimed that the people are ready to hand over power to the BJP whenever the elections take place in Telangana. She also accused the ruling party and Congress of using fake videos to incite communal tension for political gain.
Aruna urged people to be aware of the conspiracies of the ruling party and Congress and emphasized that the BJP is determined to come to power in Telangana.