A BJP MLA named A Maheshwar Reddy has accused the ruling Congress party of using the Prajavani project as a public relations stunt. He believes that the government should focus on development rather than indulging in politics. Reddy made these comments during a discussion on the Governor’s address in the Assembly.
Reddy pointed out that the Congress had promised to build a hospital and an education center for Civil services training at the Praja Bhavan, but instead, a section of the building was given to the Deputy CM. He also mentioned that the Congress only has a little more than two-thirds majority, which is not an absolute majority. He urged the government to release a White paper instead of accumulating more debts.
In response to Reddy’s comments, Deputy CM Mallu Bhatti Vikramarka argued that it is the responsibility of the BJP to ensure that the Centre provides sufficient funds for development.
Minister Ponnam Prabhakar countered the claim that BJP played a role in the bifurcation of the State. He cited Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s statements over the years, particularly his recent statement about the bitterness and bloodshed caused by the division of Andhra Pradesh and Telangana in September.