Randeep Singh Surjewala, a Congress leader and Rajya Sabha MP, has caused controversy by allegedly using derogatory language to describe the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and its supporters. He reportedly called them ‘monsters’ during the Congress ‘Jan Akrosh rally’ in Kaithal, Haryana. Several BJP leaders strongly reacted to his comments.
During the rally, Surjewala said that even if jobs are not provided, at least give people a chance to keep their jobs. He referred to those affiliated with the BJP and JJP as ‘monsters’ and labeled the individuals who vote for BJP and support them as ‘monsters’ as well. He also placed a curse on the land of the Mahabharata.
A video clip of his speech went viral on social media, with many BJP leaders sharing it. However, the authenticity of the video clip has not been verified.
Sambit Patra, the national spokesperson of the BJP, responded by stating that the Congress party, unable to launch Rahul Gandhi effectively, is now resorting to insulting the public and Janardhan. He shared the video clip alongside his tweet.
Patra contrasted Prime Minister Modi’s view of the public as Janardan with the Congress party’s portrayal of the public as demons. He emphasized that the citizens of the country understand this difference and will take action against the Congress party’s divisive rhetoric.
Gaurav Bhatia, another BJP leader, expressed similar sentiments in a tweet, stating that the Congress, unable to promote Rahul Gandhi effectively, is now directing its frustration towards the public. Bhatia called Surjewala’s statement an insult to the citizens’ right to vote and support any political party, considering it as anti-national rhetoric.
So far, neither the Congress nor Surjewala has released an official statement regarding the comments. Shehzad Poonawalla, another BJP spokesperson, criticized Surjewala’s choice of words, comparing it to previous instances where the Congress party allegedly used inappropriate language.