BJP national vice-president DK Aruna and BJP leader Marri Shashidhar Reddy have demanded that the public be informed about the health status of Chief Minister K Chandrashekar Rao. Aruna expressed concern about the Chief Minister’s health and requested that it be made public. She noted that CM KCR has not been seen in public recently, and that his son and Minister KT Rama Rao, as well as Health Minister T Harish Rao, have been managing the government, which has raised doubts in the minds of the people about CM KCR’s health.
In a letter to State Governor Dr Tamilisai Soundararajan, Marri Shashidhar Reddy, as a concerned citizen, expressed his own concerns about CM KCR’s health. He mentioned that there has been a lack of transparency regarding the Chief Minister’s health condition. It was recently revealed that he had a mild viral lung infection, and then his son announced that he also has a secondary bacterial infection of the lungs.
Reddy, who comes from a family of well-known public figures, emphasized the importance of following protocols in such situations. He explained that when a person holding a high public office falls ill, it is customary for the hospital authorities and state government health officials to provide regular health updates.
Overall, both Aruna and Reddy believe that it is necessary for the public to be informed about CM KCR’s health status, given his position as Chief Minister.