The BJP vice-president in Telangana, NVSS Prabhakar, said that the Karnataka Assembly election results won’t affect Telangana as some Congress leaders have suggested. Prabhakar told the media that Telangana residents see the BJP as an alternative to the ruling party and not the Congress. He believes that if people vote for an alternative as they did in Karnataka, then the BJP is the best option. Prabhakar claimed that the BJP is an effective alternative to the ruling party due to various reasons, such as the Dubbak and Huzurabad by-elections, GHMC poll, and agitations launched by State party chief Bandi Sanjay Kumar.
Prabhakar thinks that people are frustrated with the government’s administration and anti-people GOs. He said that the BJP has launched agitations against the KCR government’s anti-poor and anti-farmer policies. Meanwhile, he dismissed the BRS and Congress’ dreams of coming to power and criticized the government’s decision to celebrate for 21 days the State Formation Day. Prabhakar believes that the government has no moral right to celebrate after deceiving people with its slogan “niru, nidhulu and niyamakalu” (water, funds, and appointments).
The senior leader alleged that the government only became famous in liquor, leakage, and borrowings during the last nine years. He stated that the party would create an action plan to expose the government’s failures. They will release a charge-sheet on every issue and highlight the government misdeeds in 21 days.