The Telangana state BJP is organizing a massive dharna programme on Saturday at Dharna Chowk in Hyderabad. The purpose of this dharna is to put pressure on the State government to fulfill its promise of providing two-bedroom houses to the houseless poor in Telangana.
The BJP Telangana State general secretary, G Premender Reddy, expressed concern that even after 9 years of the government being in power, the promise of two-bedroom houses remains unfulfilled. Only a few houses have been built, and even those have not been distributed. This shows the government’s lack of concern, according to Reddy.
In response to this situation, the party has decided to organize a dharna under the leadership of Union Minister and TS BJP chief G Kishan Reddy. The dharna will take place from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. and will include senior leaders of the party, including national executive members, as well as a large number of people demanding houses.