CPI State Secretariat member Takkalapally Srinivas Rao criticized the BJP government at a meeting in Warangal. He accused the BJP of focusing too much on the Ram Mandir issue and neglecting other important matters in the country. Rao also claimed that the Centre is trying to divert attention from its failures as the Lok Sabha elections approach.
Rao further stated that the Narendra Modi government has only benefited the upper class and ignored the problems faced by the common man. He emphasized the need for the state government to address the issues faced by the poor.
Rao mentioned that the previous government had failed to fulfill its promises of providing house sites and double bedroom houses. He urged the Congress, which is currently in power, to ensure food, shelter, and clothing for all the poor in the state.
Additionally, Rao called for the withdrawal of cases against the poor related to Bhu Poratam. Various leaders were present at the meeting, including Karre Bikshapathi, Thota Bikshapathi, Adari Srinivas, and Manda Sadalaxmi. Gunde Badri, Mekala Ravi, Sk Shaik Bashumiya, Bussa Ravinder, Gannarapu Ramesh, and Dandu Laxman were also among those present.