On Tuesday, KV Ranga Kiran, the OBC district convenor of BJP, thanked the people who supported the successful Palle Palleku OBC intintiki campaign in Kothagudem. The campaign lasted from April 6 to April 14, and OBC party leaders and workers worked hard to make it a success.
The campaign allowed for interactions with people to learn about the issues in their villages. Ranga Kiran stated that the people are suffering under the KCR family rule and that there is no OBC happiness under the BRS rule. He added that the KCR government has failed to improve the welfare of the BC community.
Ranga Kiran believes that with the support of the BC community, the BJP will come to power in Telangana. Other party OBC leaders who participated in the campaign included Akula Nageswara Rao, G Nagender Prasad Goud, D Vijay, G Ramesh, Y Srinivas, and more.