BJP Madhya Pradesh in-charge P Muralidhar Rao criticized the BRS, Congress, and MIM for not taking a strong stance against terrorism and prioritizing vote bank politics over national security. He mentioned the recent terror attacks by Hamas against Israel and highlighted India’s fight against terrorism. Prime Minister Narendra Modi has shown support for Israel. Rao pointed out that Telangana has also suffered from acts of terror, but the TRS, now known as BRS, did not condemn these acts. He compared their silence to the Congress party’s approach and accused them of prioritizing political interests over national security.
Rao also criticized the Congress party for their history of aligning with terrorists for political gains. He claimed that the Congress and MIM have similar stands on these issues. On the other hand, he stated that the BJP is the only party that prioritizes the nation, people, and human rights. He accused the BRS leaders of staying silent for vote bank politics, similar to the Congress party.
Rao clarified that the BJP is not against Muslims but believes in rooting out terrorism completely. He mentioned that some MIM leaders are playing politics by favoring radical Muslims and causing injustice to other Muslims. He emphasized the need to eradicate terrorism from its roots.
Furthermore, Rao alleged that the Congress party is using funds from Karnataka to influence the elections in Telangana. He accused them of polluting the election process with money-based politics and urged the Election Commission to monitor the situation. Rao also claimed that both Congress and BRS are prepared to spend large sums of money in the elections. He promised to bring forward a comprehensive chargesheet against the BRS’s electoral promises and failures, including issues like unemployment, development of Hyderabad, and double bedroom housing.