Errabelli Pradeep Rao, the BJP candidate for Warangal East, has promised all-round development if elected. He made this assurance while filing his nomination papers on Friday. A huge rally was organized by BJP cadres, starting from Warangal Railway Station to GWMC Office, with Union Minister for Information & Broadcasting and Youth Affairs & Sports Anurag Singh Thakur in attendance.
Pradeep Rao highlighted the civic problems in the constituency and blamed the previous rulers, BRS and Congress, for failing to address them. He also accused these parties of trying to lure voters with cash. However, he emphasized that the people are aware of these tactics and are closely observing the developments. Pradeep Rao expressed confidence in BJP’s popularity and stated that only BJP can bring development to Warangal East. He promised to provide double bedroom houses and other welfare benefits to the poor, while ensuring transparency in the selection of beneficiaries for various schemes.
Pradeep Rao urged the people not to be swayed by the false promises of other parties and assured them that he is in politics to serve them. He expressed confidence in BJP’s victory in the upcoming Assembly elections. He also appealed to the people to vote for BJP to ensure a “double engine sarkar” and trigger all-round development in Warangal.