District Excise Superintendent S Panchakshari announced on Saturday that the tender process for liquor shops in Rajanna-Sircilla district will be conducted. Applications for 48 liquor shops in the district will be accepted from August 4 to August 18 at the Integrated District Offices Complex. A gazette notification has been issued by the government for the tender process.
Out of the 48 liquor shops, reservations have been finalized for 14 shops. Nine shops have been reserved for the Goud community, five for SCs, and 34 shops are allocated under the general quota. Those interested in knowing the business details of any shop can contact the help desk at the Integrated District Offices Complex. The location and reservation details of the shops can also be obtained from the nearest excise station.
Individuals can submit multiple applications for a single shop and can also apply for multiple shops. Excise officers Ghulam Mustafa, MPR Chandrasekhar, and GundetiRamu were present at the press conference.