Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister YS Jagan Mohan Reddy laid the foundation stones for several projects, including Bhogapuram International Airport and Adani Data Centre. He also laid the foundation for an irrigation project and a fish land centre. The CM denied allegations from the opposition that he was staging a gimmick by re-laying foundation stones that were already laid by former CM Chandrababu Naidu.
The Chief Minister accused TDP of laying the foundation stone for the airport just two months before the 2019 Assembly elections without obtaining any land permits. He assured that his government has secured all necessary permits for the airport. The 2,203-acre airport will be developed in a public-private partnership with GMR Group, while the Adani Data Centre will come up in Madhurawada of Visakhapatnam at a projected cost of Rs 21,844 crore.
Former TDP MLA Ganta Srinivas Rao recently questioned why CM Jagan was laying the foundation stone for these projects when Chandrababu Naidu had already done it. He alleged that this is a gimmick before the elections.
However, the CM denied these allegations and assured that his government will complete these projects.