A meeting of BJP activists in Wanaparthy Assembly constituency was held at Wanaparthy Lakshmi Krishna Garden. MP Potuganti Ramulu, party candidate Potuganti Bharat Prasad, and ZP chairman Loknath Reddy attended the meeting under the leadership of district unit president Narayana. The purpose of the meeting was to prepare activists to work for 45 days to ensure the party’s victory in the upcoming elections.
During the meeting, Prasad credited Modi for encouraging youth to join politics and expressed gratitude for being chosen as the candidate for the LS seat. He promised to implement a specific plan to improve employment opportunities for local youth and asked for people’s support to secure a majority of two lakh votes.
Speakers at the meeting highlighted Ramulu’s efforts in getting a survey conducted for a railway line from Suryapet to Kurnool via Nagarkurnool. They mentioned that trains will come to the region during Bharat’s regime and praised the MP for his work in establishing national highways as well.