The Bhagyanagar Ganesh Utsav Samithi in Hyderabad has requested the Chief Minister, K Chandrashekar Rao, to provide free electricity and other basic facilities for the upcoming Ganesh Utsav festival. The Samithi’s office was inaugurated on the birth anniversary of Lokmanya Bal Gangadhar Tilak at Baheti Bhavan in Siddiamber Bazar.
During the program, the Samithi General Secretary, Dr Bhagwant Rao, emphasized the government’s responsibility to not create any legal obstacles during the immersion of Ganesh idols. He also demanded the distribution of eco-friendly Ganesh idols, soil, and eco-friendly colors for making the idols, as well as the availability of 21 types of flower leaves used in Lord Ganesha’s worship by the forest department.
Bhagwant Rao urged all Ganesh devotees and pandal organizers to display patriotism and devotion by installing pictures related to the life of Shivaji Maharaj and Jijamata on the occasion of Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj’s 350th birth anniversary. He also called for the inclusion of a picture based on Amrit Kaal and Alluri Sitaram Raju to mark their respective birth anniversaries.
Ganesh Chaturthi will be celebrated on September 19, with a mass immersion procession on September 28 for Ananth Chaturdashi. The Samithi requested devotees to perform Maha Aarti at all Ganesh mandaps at 9 pm. They also stressed the need for separate queues for men and women and volunteer arrangements to ensure convenience for those coming to see the tableaus of Lord Ganesh.
The Samithi demanded that the government make all necessary arrangements near Tankbund for idol immersions. On the occasion of Bal Gangadhar Tilak’s 167th birth anniversary, the Samithi members garlanded his statue. Vice president of Bhagyanagar Ganesh Utsav Samiti, Kirodimal Narsingpuria, along with other members, were also present.