District Collector Jitesh V Patil visited flooded areas in the district during the rainy season. He toured Charla and Dummugudem areas on Wednesday, including Dandupet and Ralla Gudem villages in Charla mandal. The Collector gathered details from irrigation and revenue officials during his visit.
Jitesh emphasized the need for vigilance due to frequent floods in the district every year. He called for identifying villages in flooded areas and setting up rehabilitation centers as needed. Special attention should be given to villages in the seven flooded mandals, with a focus on precautionary measures to protect residents. Officials in the Godavari catchment area were instructed to supervise without leaving early during floods.
The Collector stressed the importance of coordination to successfully face floods and ensure the safety of residents. Plans should be made to smoothly relocate people from flooded villages to resettlement centers with necessary infrastructure. The goal is to prevent loss of life and property during floods, requiring proactive planning.
During his visit, Jitesh inspected schools in Charla and Dummugudem mandals, urging quick completion of development goals without neglecting ongoing work by Adarsh Committees. He emphasized the importance of identifying out-of-school children and ensuring their prompt enrollment. The government’s focus on strengthening public schools includes selecting Amma Adarsh schools for infrastructure development.
Participants in the visit included NPDCL GM, Bhadrachalam RDO Damodar Rao, Irrigation Executive Engineer Ramprasad, DE J Tirupati, Assistant Engineer Upender, RWSAE Ramu, Charla and Dumgudem Tahsildars, MPDOs, Agricultural Officers, and others.