In Hyderabad, petrol bunks are now asking customers to fill fuel for a value of at least Rs 500 to Rs 1,000 if they bring Rs 2,000 notes. This means that customers will have to spend more money if they want to use the big note to purchase fuel. The petrol pump at Musheerabad has already started following this rule. A similar board was displayed at a petrol pump in Begumpet.
Although the Rs 2,000 note is still valid, the petrol bunks want customers to spend more money in order to give change for the big note. The board at the petrol pump in Begumpet states that the Rs 2,000 note will only be accepted if the customer fills petrol or diesel worth more than Rs 1,000 for change issue.
So, if you have a Rs 2,000 note and want to fill up your tank, you will have to spend at least Rs 500 to Rs 1,000 on fuel.