The chairman of the Telangana State Commission for Backward Classes, V Krishna Mohan Rao, has claimed that the BJP-led government is delaying the caste based census for political reasons. Rao made the comments at a symposium organised by the OBC Students Association at the University of Hyderabad. The event was focused on the importance of carrying out a caste census for the Backward Classes, so that their living conditions can be assessed and policy programmes can be put in place to improve their circumstances. Rao expressed his disappointment that the government has not given a positive response or commitment to this issue.
He went on to explain that without an updated caste census, it would be difficult to provide justice to OBCs. It is important to find out the population size of each community in order for everyone in the country to become part of its development. Rao warned that not updating data using more recent figures may deprive many people of the benefits of welfare programmes. He called upon people to put pressure on the government to carry out the caste census as soon as possible.