In a recent press conference, BJP National General Secretary, MP Bandi Sanjay Kumar, made several statements and plans for Telangana’s political situation. He stated that if the BJP comes to power, they will confiscate the properties owned by CM KCR’s family and recover funds that were allegedly acquired through commissions.
Bandi also criticized KTR for his response to the Central team’s report on the collapse of the Medigadda pillars. He challenged KTR to visit Medigadda with irrigation experts to present the facts to the public.
During the press conference, Bandi expressed sympathy for TPCC chief A Revanth Reddy. He suggested that he had information about Muslim elders meeting Rahul Gandhi to oppose Revanth Reddy’s appointment as CM, and that Rahul agreed to their proposal.
Bandi urged the people to support him in the upcoming election and announced his nomination as a candidate for the Karimnagar Assembly. He firmly believed that the BJP would come to power in Telangana and that a BC (Backward Class) individual would be chosen as the Chief Minister, a decision that has gained widespread support.
In anticipation of Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s attendance at the BC Atma Gourava Sabha on November 7 at LB Stadium, Bandi emphasized the party’s preparations for the event and encouraged the public to attend in large numbers.
Furthermore, Bandi criticized Congress and BRS for their treatment of BCs. He pointed out that despite BCs representing 55 percent of the population, these parties have given less than 20 percent of political tickets to BC individuals. He demanded an apology from both parties and condemned their criticisms of the BJP.
Finally, Bandi confirmed that the BJP would not announce its CM candidate in advance. He stated that the CM would be elected democratically and dismissed any speculation about his personal chances of becoming CM as mere personal opinions of others.