BJP MP Bandi Sanjay has expressed his support for the construction of the Ayodhya Ram Mandir. He believes that this event is both historical and religious, and urges all political parties and every Indian to participate. Sanjay criticizes the Congress party for opposing the construction and questions their motives.
During a program in Karimnagar, Sanjay emphasizes that Lord Ram belongs to not only the BJP but to everyone. He questions why the Congress party leadership is against the Ayodhya Ram Mandir and calls for the participation of all political parties and Indians in the event.
Sanjay responds to Vinod, a former MP, who raised questions about KCR’s alleged involvement in illegal activities. He counters by asking why a CBI investigation is not demanded if KCR is believed to be involved in benami activities. He also questions why the Congress party is not calling for an investigation into the Kaleshwaram project and why they are only focusing on the Madigadda issue.
Furthermore, Sanjay accuses certain parties of supplying drugs to the youth and suggests that they are blocking colleges to facilitate drug supply. He asserts that if all parties work together, the issue of corruption in the BRS will be addressed.