Bandi Sanjay Kumar, a leader of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), showed his support for the junior panchayat secretaries (JPS) strike in Karimnagar. He spoke to government employees in the state, urging them to protest to fix their problems. He reminded them of their fight for a separate Telangana and promised to help them in their struggles. Sanjay Kumar wants the employees to join the BJP’s fight.
Sanjay Kumar believes that the JPS strike is legitimate, and their demand for regularisation must be met immediately. He wrote an open letter to Chief Minister KCR, which he released to the media in the presence of the junior secretaries. Sanjay Kumar thinks it is unfair not to regularise the junior panchayat secretaries, who have completed their probationary period of four years and cleared all qualifications. The CM promised to make them permanent, but he failed to keep his word, according to Sanjay Kumar.
JPS plays a crucial role in village development, and their hard work is why the center has been giving awards to the panchayats. However, Sanjay Kumar claims that this is not because of KCR but the JPS. The government has been creating conflict between the JPS and regular secretaries, despite their democratic right to strike.
Under KCR’s rule, employees of all categories, including Singareni, electricity and RTC, are in serious trouble. Sanjay Kumar believes that this is the beginning of KCR’s end and that BJP is ready to fight for JPS. They are willing to go to jail and lay siege to Pragati Bhavan on behalf of JPS.