The BJP state chief, Bandi Sanjay Kumar, has accused Chief Minister K Chandrashekar Rao (KCR) of not caring about Dalits and missing Ambedkar’s anniversary for the last nine years. Kumar said KCR has no right to unveil the statue of Ambedkar as he humiliated Dalits on every possible occasion. Kumar also demanded KCR apologise to Dalits and explain why he has not attended any Ambedkar anniversaries over the last nine years. Kumar also criticised KCR for not fulfilling promises to give each Dalit three acres and for not making a Dalit the first CM of Telangana.
Kumar also questioned why the government delayed the installation of the Ambedkar statue and accused KCR of inaugurating it this year to win Dalit votes in the coming election. Kumar further criticised KCR’s claims about the Dalit Bandhu scheme, asking for a white paper on how many Dalits had received assistance under the scheme. Kumar also accused KCR of not releasing funds for schemes aimed at benefiting SCs, STs, and BCs.
Kumar said that only the BJP has followed Ambedkar’s ideals and fought for Dalits. He noted that the BJP government abolished Article 370, provided loans to 1.25 lakh Dalits to become industrialists, made a Dalit President, inducted 12 Dalits into the Central Cabinet, and provided benefits to them under the Jan Dhan Yojana. Kumar stated that if the BJP is voted to power, they will govern the state in accordance with Ambedkar’s ideals.