The State BJP chief, Bandi Sanjay Kumar, said that PM Narendra Modi’s government is promoting sports among youth with the “Khelo India-Jitho India” slogan. Meanwhile, State Chief Minister K Chandrashekar Rao ignores sports by promoting the “Pilo Telangana and Pilao Telangana” slogan. Bandi spoke at the launch of the Khelo Bharat-Jitho Bhagyanagar sports event for the Hyderabad parliamentary constituency area. BJP OBC Morcha national chairman Dr K Laxman and National OBC Commission chairman Hans Raj Ahir also attended the event. BJP MPs have been organizing sports events in their constituencies to identify talented sportspersons. Dr Laxman is organizing the event in Hyderabad to benefit the area.
Bandi said that education and sports are equally important for students. Since PM Modi took office, political interference in sports has decreased. Talented sportspersons are encouraged to play for the country, regardless of their financial backgrounds. The budget for sports has increased from Rs 466 crore during the UPA regime to Rs 3,397 crore in the annual budget for 2023-24 financial year.
On the other hand, CM K Chandrashekar Rao is working on implementing “Pilo Telangana-Pilao Telangana,” which will push the State into a debt trap of over Rs 5 lakh crore. Bandi listed how the CM failed to deliver on his promises. When BJP comes to power, they will prioritize and encourage sports in Telangana.