The BJP in Telangana has decided to focus on creating jobs for eligible youth as their slogan for the upcoming polls. They plan to launch a door-to-door campaign to promote this message and explain the various development and welfare programs initiated by the Modi government. The State BJP president criticized the KCR government for failing to implement these programs in Telangana. He also accused KCR of spending money to defeat the BJP and conspiring with other parties to spread propaganda against them.
The BJP plans to launch the ‘Maha Jana Sampark Abhiyaan’ program from May 30 to June 30 to explain the benefits of these programs to people. The party believes that a ‘double-engine sarkar’ would benefit the State in all areas such as health, housing, rural economy, drinking water supply, and other schemes. They also criticized KCR for betraying other political parties in the past.
The BJP State president alleged that KCR was funding the Congress party wherever the BRS was not in a position to win the Assembly elections. The BJP plans to convince people that only they can bring change and development to Telangana.