The state president of the BJP party in Telangana, Bandi Sanjay Kumar, accused the KCR government of being unfair to OBCs in the state. He made this statement while addressing the BJP OBC conclave. Bandi Sanjay Kumar explained that the government had been unjust towards the OBCs by denying them a 10% quota to EWS for two years. He also stated that the BJP party was not against any community or caste, but only opposed the policies of KCR family and the Congress.
Bandi Sanjay Kumar accused KCR of denying OBCs their fair share of political power and confining them to accepting freebies like sheep, cattle, and fish. He criticized KCR for failing to complete the BC Atma Gourava Bhavans, while constructing Secretariat and Pragati Bhavan with hundreds of crores.
The BJP OBC Morcha national president, Dr. K Laxman, criticized the Congress for stalling BC reservations from the time of the first PM Jawaharlal Nehru. He underlined the historical need for BJP to come to power in Telangana with a BC agenda.
Dr. Laxman listed how since independence Congress stalled every move to provide reservations for BCs. Contrary to it, the BJP had increased the self-respect of BCs by making Narendra Modi PM. Also, it implemented reservations for BCs as well as the poor from the forward sections of society, besides giving constitutional status to OBC Commission.
He accused the Congress and Communists of stalling at every step, while BJP introduced OBC National Commission Bill in Parliament. Dr. Laxman said the party would unite 130 communities and Implement ‘PallePalleku BC and Intintiki BJP’ and organize a BC Garjana and expose the anti-BC stance of the Congress and BRS.
Both leaders announced that the party would organize a public rally in Hyderabad named “BC Sankhaaravam” with lakhs demanding the government provide all facilities to OBCs. It includes the implementation of the BC Bandhu scheme. They also said that they would unite 130 communities and Implement ‘PallePalleku BC and Intintiki BJP’ and organize a BC Garjana and expose the anti-BC stance of the Congress and BRS.