The Telangana BJP chief, Bandi Sanjay Kumar, and the BJP OBC Morcha national president, Dr K Laxman, participated in an ‘OBC Sammelan’ in Hyderabad on Friday. The event was organized by the Bharatiya Janata Party, OBC Morcha. Bandi Sanjay Kumar clarified on Twitter that the Morcha was not against anyone but only against the KCR family and Congress policies.
Bandi Sanjay Kumar accused KCR of insulting BCs and preventing the implementation of 10% reservation for the upper caste poor in the state for two years. He praised Modi for giving a big boost to BCs and appointing 27 people from the community in the cabinet.
Bandi Sanjay Kumar also criticized KCR for insulting Professor Jayashankar, Konda Laxman Bapuji, and Guda Anjanna. He questioned KCR’s treatment of BCs, who make up 50% of Telangana’s population, by only appointing 3 people from the community in the cabinet while giving them sheeps and fish.
In conclusion, Bandi Sanjay Kumar emphasized that the BJP is the party that appointed him as State chief, Dr K Laxman as a member of the Rajya Sabha, and as a member of the Parliament Board.