The Vice President presented the National Water Awards in Delhi on Saturday. Madhya Pradesh won the first prize for being the best state, while Andhra Pradesh came in third place. Adilabad district in Telangana won third prize in the district wise category. Jagannatha Puram village in Bhadradri Kothagudem district was awarded best Gram Panchayat in the country in the Gram Panchayat category. Jagannadhapuram village in the same district also won an award for creating awareness among people to adopt water policies. The Sarpanch and Panchayat Secretary received the award from the Vice President.
Chagalamarri Kasturba School in AP received second prize for water management and conservation. CCL India Limited in Tirupati won the award for best industry, and Anantapur Asian Praterna received a special award for being the best charity organization.