AVN Reddy, representing the BJP, has won the Mahbubnagar-Ranga Reddy-Hyderabad teachers’ constituency in the Legislative Council elections, defeating Chennakeshava Reddy, who was backed by the ruling BRS party. The counting process began on Thursday and continued until the early hours of Friday, with 1,500 poll staff working in three shifts to complete the mammoth exercise of counting the first and second preference votes. AVN Reddy maintained his lead throughout the counting process, securing 13,436 votes after 21 rounds, surpassing the quota prescribed by the EC. With this victory, the BJP now has representation in the Council.
AVN Reddy attributed his win to the anti-incumbency sentiment against the government and support from the BJP. He plans to set up an office and provide services to all teachers with a toll-free number. The BJP leaders celebrated his victory at the party headquarters on Friday. AVN Reddy also criticized the government’s “anti-people, anti-teacher policies,” which he believes contributed to his victory.