Kadapa MP YS Avinash Reddy and his mother have traveled to Hyderabad while a hearing was taking place in Telangana High Court regarding his anticipatory bail petition in the murder case of former MP YS Vivekananda Reddy. YS Lakshmi, Avinash Reddy’s mother, had been receiving treatment at Viswa Bharati Hospital in Kurnool for eight days before being discharged due to an improvement in her condition. She was then admitted to AIG Hospital in Gachibowli. The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) has been following Avinash Reddy since he failed to appear before them and went to the hospital with his mother. The CBI has been investigating the murder of YS Vivekananda Reddy, who was killed at his residence in Pulivendula on March 15, 2019, just weeks before the elections.
Avinash Reddy’s father, YS Bhaskar Reddy, was arrested by the CBI last month. The agency claims that Bhaskar Reddy, Avinash Reddy, and their follower Devireddy Shiva Shankar Reddy conspired to murder Vivekananda Reddy because he had opposed the Kadapa Lok Sabha ticket given to Avinash Reddy. Avinash Reddy denies these allegations and has accused the CBI of ignoring important facts in the case.
The MP had cited prior engagements and his mother’s poor health as reasons for not appearing before the CBI on May 16 and May 19. He left Hyderabad for his hometown of Pulivendula and took his mother to the Kurnool hospital where she received treatment. Despite a fresh notice from the CBI on May 19 to appear before them on May 22, Avinash Reddy once again expressed his inability to appear due to his mother’s health.
In conclusion, Avinash Reddy and his mother have traveled to Hyderabad while a hearing was taking place in Telangana High Court regarding his anticipatory bail petition in the murder case of former MP YS Vivekananda Reddy. The CBI has been following Avinash Reddy since he failed to appear before them and went to the hospital with his mother. The MP’s father was arrested last month, and the CBI has claimed that they conspired to murder Vivekananda Reddy. Avinash Reddy denies these allegations and has accused the CBI of ignoring important facts in the case.