The Musi River in Hyderabad is at risk of flooding, and residents living in low lying areas are concerned about the authorities’ preparedness. The water levels in the river are rising due to the opening of two gates of Osman Sagar and the release of water from Himayat Sagar. Local activist Syed Bilal mentioned that officials have not visited the vulnerable areas and there has been no communication from higher-ups. The water flow near the small bridge at Malakpet is close to flooding nearby localities. In 2022, the authorities alerted residents when Himayatsagar experienced high inflows. The completion of SNDP works near Malakpet’s Railway under Bridge is expected to help ease the situation, but 45 bastis on the southern side remain at risk. Mayor Gadwal Vijayalaxmi has reviewed the situation and instructed officials to take necessary steps to prevent problems for residents in low-lying and vulnerable areas during flooding.