Acclaimed dancer Abhinayasree Indrani Davaluri recently wowed the audience with her Bharatanatyam performance titled “Andela Ravamidi” at Silparamaram Amphi Theatre in Hyderabad. Indrani, who has given over 700 remarkable performances, is a true expert in this art form. She is not only a talented dancer but also the founder of “Natyamargam” dance school, where she passionately teaches others. Despite holding Master’s degrees in Microbiology and Dance, Indrani chose to follow her passion for dance instead of pursuing an academic career. Her dedication and talent have earned her the title “Natyamayuri” from Sana Publications and several prestigious awards.
In addition to dance, Indrani has also excelled in research and demonstrated her versatility as an actress and model. Her upcoming film “Andela Ravamidi” will make its debut at film festivals in August. Moreover, we can look forward to her book “Mrs South Asia World Elite” in 2023. Indrani continues to inspire others with her commitment to dance, social service, and academic endeavors.