AIMIM chief MP Asaduddin Owaisi expressed his confidence in K Chandrasekhar Rao’s victory in the upcoming Telangana Assembly elections. He believes that Rao will serve as Chief Minister for another term. Speaking at the party head office in Darussalam, Owaisi discussed his party’s focus on both Telangana and Rajasthan. While the two states have different issues, Owaisi emphasized the importance of addressing minority concerns and promoting social empowerment.
Owaisi also responded to questions about the Congress party’s criticism of AIMIM, accusing them of being the “B-Team” of the BJP. He pointed out how AIMIM had previously supported the Congress in 2004 and 2008, even after the Left parties withdrew their support. Owaisi described the Congress’ accusations as hypocritical, politically arrogant, and intellectually dishonest.